"Mirrorland" is an epic romantic comedy written in the form of two blogs that tell wildly differing versions of the same love story, his and hers. Donho Likkanen is a Finnish designer of erotic plumbing fixtures. Hope Muntz is a young academic working on her PhD in Mythology, They meet on an airline flight to Finland, where she's researching the Kalevala, the great Finnish national epic, and he's returning after a 35-year exile. Hope is earnest and gullible--but discovers herself to also be resilient and resourceful. And though Likkanen fancies himself the Finnish Casanova, and provides the colorful if unconsciously funny story of his life—and slowly reveals himself to be, well, almost human.
From Donho Likkanen:
Moi to all, which means “hey” in my native tongue of Finnish. Here at last is the story of my life, truly of far greater importance to world literature than ‘War and Peace’ or “The Memoirs of Casanova”. Between these pages you will read of the many exploits of Donho Likkanen (me), a true Finn, famous legendary sex god of Manhattan, and the most famous designer of erotic bathroom fixtures in the world today. You will also take a most magical trip to Finland (which is in all honesty a bit of a boring place to visit) and learn about the Kalevala, the great national epic of my nation. And of course, there will also be plenty of healthful hot gland-slapping monkey sex, some of it with very famous people. At the end of this fabulous book, you will be laughing and weeping so hard, you will be begging me to write many sequels. Or at least for me to come and live with you on your bed or perhaps couch.
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