Meet Our Authors:

Rand B. Lee, author of The Green Man & Other Stories, is the son of Kaye Brinker, 1930's and 40's actress and scriptwriter, and Manfred B. Lee, who from 1929 to 1971 authored with Frederic Dannay the "Ellery Queen" detective novels and short stories. Rand's first published science fiction story, "Full Fathom Five My Father Lies," appeared in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine in 1981; his most recent, "Class Trip," is due to be published this year in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. An accomplished horticulturist and self-confessed agnostic spiritualist, Rand lives in northern New Mexico with his Siberian husky, Blessing, and his black cat, Urdwill.  

You can reach Rand on FaceBook @Rand B. Lee.

Rod Kierkegaard, Jr, author of Obama Jones & The Logic Bomb, is a writer and cartoonist best known in the US for his comic strip, Rock Opera, which ran as a regular feature in Heavy Metal Magazine during the 1980s. He is the author of two French graphic novel collections, Stars Massacre, (released in the US as Shooting Stars) and Rock Monstres, both published by Editions Albin Michel, Paris. He lives in Washington DC.

You can reach Rod on Twitter or FaceBook @Rod Kierkegaard, or visit his website.